Sunday, October 18, 2009

\"Quotes are not working Mike\"

The Veretekk Bully Pulpit Newsletter

\"Another chance to win a Platinum Control Panel\"

The GodFather Speaks
What is your Creed?

Here is my creed: I believe in one God, the Creator of the universe. That he governs it by his providence. That he ought to be worshiped. That the most acceptable service we render to him is in doing good to his other children. That the soul of man is immortal, and will be treated with justice in another life respecting its conduct in this. These I take to be fundamental points in all sound religion.

Do you know who wrote that? It is a quote from Benjamin Franklin and I am assuming you know who he is right? I am a fan of Benjamin Franklin among many other leaders in our country\'s history.

It is this core value that motivated the building of Veretekk and most recently the Platinum Control Panel and last weeks promotion.

The Platinum Control Panel Promotion was a stunning success. Being that Veretekk is a God inspired project, the many blessings and undeniable miracles that have brought Veretekk this far, it is not uncommon however it still amazes me when God reveals himself in my endeavors. Let me explain.

The current political environment we are experiencing is making it harder and harder on the entrepreneurial individual\'s ability to succeed and this concern should be every ones in Veretekk as I assume we are all in pursuit of financial success in the process of doing business. The same with the cultural war we are experiencing. These issues most recently inspired an emotional and provocative meeting several weeks ago.

I did not point to one or other political party, I indict both the parties. Basically I am telling everyone, as I believe it is my responsibility to be the watchmen (CEO and Founder) looking over my flock (Veretekk subscribers) that we have a government that is not representing you, the entrepreneurs, as I believe is one of my responsibilities and should be theirs!

I am well read and educated in the affairs of economics, government and politics. I am a very critical thinker. I listen to all sides. Ed Schultz. Randy Rhodes, Alan Combs, Hightower, etc. as well as Shaun Hannity, Glenn Beck, Mike Savage and Limbaugh. These are talk show hosts from the far left to the far right and places in the middle. I don\'t listen to them all the time, but often when driving.

I watch CNN, Fox, NBC and CBS. I read a ton of blogs across the spectrum.

I do not trust anyone news outlet as being un-slanted. I am after all a critical thinker. I do not like seeing America being divided against it\'s self.

I happened to read a lot too and bought the book Common Sense because I read the original (From 200 years ago) and Glenn Beck was inspired to write this one. It is a great book and I decided to work at getting it passed around. Interesting I had one subscriber quit because I mentioned his name. Come on folks, really? Is that what we are all about?

From the beginning of launching Veretekk I have never held back my spiritual beliefs in Jesus Christ and I have always been a strong supporter of individual rights, limited government and free enterprise. Why all of a sudden I have a small percentage of subscribers threatening me to quit or accusing me of ruining their business because I feel free to discuss current issues and events that include God and Country seems to me to be a sign of the times.

A few weeks ago after getting threats from some subscribers because I offer up prayer and mentioned Glenn Beck I spent several days in prayer. What was this all about? Should I avoid these political controversies? I spent several hours with my pastor discussing this. He said, let the Holy Spirit guide you and I did just that.

The Platinum Control panel promotion was the result of weeks of prayer. The Platinum Control Panel is the fulcrum of the coming Veretekk V2. As the project completed, I felt compelled to offer it up for one individual based on their written essay on why they deserved to have this gift. I was inspired to make this offer. In our meeting last week I went further and asked anyone that felt compelled to send me a Skype with a small request as to why they wanted the Plat Panel.

And there in lies why I am writing this article. I was overwhelmed with the out pouring of my subscribers as each one shared with me how Veretekk has changed their life, a few even went so far to claim that Veretekk actually saved their life. Everyone one of the stories left me with tears and overwhelming love for you my subscribers.

So I decided to give the Plat System to everyone that sent me a Skype and I cut it off at 25. Why I did not choose beyond that number was just intuition, nothing else. This group of 25 is now called The Platinum Warriors. Come meet them tonight.

Now here is the core of this story. It is called love. I prayed to my Lord to help me decide to move forward with Veretekk or not. It has been a long year of many trials. I was starting to think that maybe Veretekk was no longer a blessing to that many people. Man oh man was I wrong. Then this promotion idea came along and then being completely overwhelmed by the results convinced me that Veretekk is just getting started!

Oh and one more thing, Jesus is very much alive and well in my life and in Veretekk. The Platinum Warriors are at the core of Veretekk as people who embody Christ and true believers of the Veretekk mission. I did not plan it that way, but I think I know who did.

Veretekk is more than just a company or an opportunity. It is a mission built with a vision focused on freeing people from the bonds of limited thinking, under employed or poorly retired.

May you all be richly blessed and God bless all of you, every single one!

See you tonight,

Thomas Prendergast
CEO, Inc.

Why the Platinum Control Panel is integral to your success
And one more call for those that attend for a free Platinum Control Panel

With a growing base of Platinum Control Panel subscribers I wanted to share with you why this is a fundamental advantage to everyone that has a Gold Veretekk system. If your sponsor or upline has a Platinum Control Panel, they are being trained right now by me on how to use that power to take your Traffic Portals and put them into top Google search results. That means you will prosper from a significant increase in leads. This is good right? Not that the Veretekk system does not already produce leads, but if you want massive leads, this is how it is done. I know, I built Veretekk to do this and the following is an example of the generous results I get.

Right now we have two Platinum Control Panel teams that are going to be available as trainers, team captains and Veretekk Gold consultants. Many will be available to bring your Veretekk system into their Plat Panel and the primary goal will be to enable your system to reach greater goals in top Google searches for your Traffic Portals and lead generation.

Tonight I will launch the third team. Are you going to be part of this third team? You must attend to find out.

My goal is to build three major Platinum Control Panel teams with Veretekk. These teams will be there to help you get your Gold Veretekk system up an running faster. We need these teams in place for many reasons.

When we launch Veretekk V2, that system will be integrated into the teams of Platinum. The Platinum system will drive the technology that will be built into your Gold Veretekk account.

October 1st is just a few days away and the Platinum Control Panel is ready to launch

Thomas Prendergast
CEO, Inc.

The monthly contest for a free Platinum Control Panel.
Contest begins October 01, 2009

Folks this is worth $6000 and will begin October 01, 2009

Each month I will choose one Veretekk subscriber to receive a free one year full subscription including the 10 Veretekk Golds with it.

This contest will be based on that particular Gold subscriber who has the most Gold upgrades for that particular month.

The winner will receive a full 1 year Platinum Controol Panel including the 10 Veretekk Gold accounts with it.

You may keep it for yourself, transfer it to someone else within Veretekk or sell it.

The only catch is you must be a Gold subscriber yourself.

Thomas Prendergast
CEO, Inc.

The Flood Of Testimonials Continues...
Real People With Real Results!
I run a global internet marketing company with brand name clients, and Veretekk is a must. Any business needs growth and with unique highly qualified leads continually flowing into your business your profit will grow along with your customer base. Hence, a very successful business. Veretekk Platinum exceeds those needs for any business. You can tailor your lead generation system to your liking with ease. Just imagine an ever-growing lead generation system on steroids!

Matthew Keith
Virginia Beach, VA

I am the recipient of a Platinum Control Panel thanks to Tom\'s generosity.

That was this Friday evening, today Saturday a group of us met to start our first task. The training was so easy to follow. Once this task is completed it will amount to less than 2% of the power available in the Platinum Panel and will result in TONS of leads to my Veretekk System and my Primary Business....I am so EXCITED! Can you tell?

San Francisco, CA

I\'ve been learning about internet marketing for almost two years now. I\'ve seen practically every system and product launch out there. Then I came across the Veretekk System. I started out by signing up with the silver account. The silver account has it\'s limitations, but I used what was available. Pretty soon after I saw what a great system I had here, I upgraded to Gold. This opened up a world of opportunities for me. This system stands alone, there is nothing out there in the world that even comes remotely close. It is packed with lead generating portals, a top notch e-mail system like none other and a first class training center with live trainers. The support is incredible, I feel like I\'ve been adopted into a huge family. I just recently aquired the new Platinum control panel which takes the Veretekk System to a whole new level. If you are looking to build your business and take it to levels that you only dreamed possible, then you need to get into The Veretekk System.

John Park
Lehigh Acres, FL

Monday! Monday! Monday!

To join the conference, just login to your Veretekk™ system and go to Veretraining™, then just click on the Calendar. The web conference begins at 6pm Pacific on Monday.

Veretekk™ State of the System Address
Monday, September 28, 2009 6pm PST


Mike Darling, President
Thomas Prendergast, CEO, Inc. (Veretekk™)